Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Jakarta is a dream destination. It always attracts visitors, although it is far from kind for everyone. They who can't fight against the gleam of the city must accept the fact that they are left alone in the corners for the city. Holding on with their life or even living in idle spaces around. All that, left a contrasting scene between the classes living together in a city who arrogantly call itself the metropolitan.

The growth of the upper middle class in Jakarta is increasing as indicated by the increasing number of  luxurious apartment and housing complex which comes with their assorted facilities to fulfill their needs. The congestions of traffic with numbers of private vehicles, is another scene. Their lifestyles and self esteem driven them to become a consumptive class and forgetting their functional needs. Is this the group of people who Bre Redana, a senior journalist from Kompas said as the mindless consumer? "a brainless, passive and easily maniputaled consumer" and often used by the merchants of dreams to sell the luxury. 

This merchants of consumerism often use the language of advertising which seduce , hypnotyze and blinding the eyes, the consciousness of how expensive and important the items are. Property developer, are one of this merchants, they arrogantly mount their wallpaper in the middle of the city. Unwittingly persuade people from all classes to see the luxury that they offer. They transfor empty patch of lands-potentially a park, to malls, luxurious apartments and other skyscraper. A product which can only be claimed by the upper classes. 

Photography and city can't be separated, even photographs regarding a city are the ones that massively produced. The role of photography is to record the life of this urbanites which happens when the photographer appear as a spectacle who peeps through the viewfinder. Not only peeps, the photographer often appears on the scene as well, by involving his subjectivity like what Alex Supartono said "On a city, photography not only records and disclose, it is more than that. Photography has become an instrument to construct the image of a city. From outside or inside, the people living or the place itself”.

This is what Dhemas Reviyanto, student and freelance photgrapher, born in Palembang, South Sumatra 26 May 1987 does. Dhemas live not far from Jakarta and his day to day activities are done in this city, thus this place is no stranger to him. He interested in creating a photographic essay for this city, because he enjoys the process of collecting photographs, which feels like connecting the dots from the daily drama in the city. From the countless phenomenon in Jakarta, he chooses to photograph the walls who seemingly telling a visual story to him.

Dhemas would think this as a way for those arrogant construction towers to seduce the people. And in the end for most people (him included) this would act like a dream and dream only. With the contrast this photographs wanted to compare between the dream that is being sold by the developer and the reality available in the streets. This collection of images were exhibited in Ruang Rupa for the Jakarta  32° exhibition on December 2010 and becomes one of the top 5 photography  work during the exhibition.

As a comparison, Dhemas work is similar to the work of David Gibson. On 8 May 2010, David Gibson a street photographer in London, took a photograph titled “Safe a hung parliament.” David in this case took it in a public spaces where activity took place. However photograph did not presented as a series, because in the beginning he did not wanted to create those. This is how Dhemas differ than David, because not only he presented it as a series but also he deliberately creating the juxtaposition for the subejct passing through the object which forms the background.

During the photographic process, Dhemas has proven that he is really serious in capturing the visual languange of Jakarta's wall. These series has been taken for a period of a year and it is still continuing until today. Another point, even though Dhemas had seen similar picture, he admitted that he did not get influenced from another photographer.

Dhemas uses color photography because he believe with it he can show the contrast that he see in the road. With the help of colour photography as well, the luxury of the buildings and the athmosphere of the city within the wallpaper could be felt.

The placing of solid colour as a subject which juxtaposed with the walls, give an extra point in the aesthethic in the Dhemas' photograph. For example, the photograph shows the contrasting of the walls which contain the picture of a building with pink  and green coloured buckets in front of it. That particular photograph shows symbols of what is happening in the place resulting in a colour exotiscm. Another example which we can felt satire element, can be seen on the photograph of a man with a suit who lifted a phone. This might make some people smile, but it can also perform as a social criticism against the condition in Jakarta, apart from our awareness of the message or whether we understand it at all. 

From Dhemas' phorograph, we kind of make a conclusion that Jakarta society is a "dreamers' society". When the walls pictured the lavish lifestyle, one can argue that the luxury is something that people chase all the time. If there are other member of society whose lifes did not encouter such entraching reality, maybe they are the ones who fill the idle spaces on the corner of the city. Everyday, the roar of the engine or the shouting of the car horns which crawling and marking that morning had come. All of that forced them to wake up from the dream and realize that the  cold hard trut. Then without much choice they keep doing their cycle of life, until the city lights sings the lullaby to keep dreaming.

Mata Perempuan November 2011 photo by Dhemas Revianto Atmodjo / writing by Mira Amira 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mata Perempuan

Mata Perempuan is again participating in this year’s Jakarta Biennale XIV 2011 with the theme titled Maximum City. Highlighting what is considered the maximum point that occurs under the diversity and pressures of the big city.
This year the participation of Mata Perempuan carries a different weight on the exhibition with the focus that not only showcases an array of photographers, but also a deeper exploration through the curatorial process involved, a process that both complements and enriches the final artwork through their bold and narrative text.
Through the eyes of 6 talented female, Irma Chantily, Maria Lasakajaya Sari, Natasha Gabriella Tontey, Mira Amira, Dian Rosita and Novianti Sisilia they are given a chance to translate their interpretation of the theme and are involved either on the curational process of selecting the photographer for their work or haven chosen the opportunity to make their own artist statement.

Galeri Foto jurnalistik Antara dan Dewan Kesenian Jakarta Proudly presents:

A Photography Exhibition by Hasil Kerja Penulisan and Kuratorial Foto

Opening : Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | 19.30 WIB

Opening Remarks by : Firman Ichsan (Chairman of Dewan Kesenian Jakarta)

                     Desi Anwar (Senior Journalist who has a hobby of photography)

Live Music : Electric Cadillac

Dian Rosita | Rian Afriadi

"Mirroring Jakarta"

Irma Chantily | Indrawan Yoswanda Saputra
"Penasaran tapi Takut Dosa"

Maria Lasakajaya Sari | May & Yayang
"Persahabatan dalam Benteng 592 Mill"

Mira Amira | Dhemas Reviyanto Admojo
"Arogansi Jakarta"

Natasha Gabriella Tontey
"Dongeng untuk si Mata Susu"

Novianti Sisilia | Kirana
"Fragility and Survival of a Woman"
Photo Exhibition schedule :
15 - 21 November 2011
Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara
Jl. Antara, No. 59, Pasar Baru. Jakarta Pusat 
24 November - 12 December 2011
Galeri Oktagon
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 50 A, Jakarta Pusat
Speech Intersection with Curator : Sunday 20th November 2011 | 16.00 WIB
NEO Jurnalism Club
Jl. Antara No. 61, Pasar baru, Jakarta Pusat
Discussion with Photographer : Sunday 4th December 2011 | 15.00 WIB
Galeri Oktagon
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 50 A, Jakarta Pusat
Supported by : Pemprov DKI Jakarta | Enjoy Jakarta | Galeri Nasional Indonesia | OKTAGON | GLOBE DIGITAL IMAGING | Jurnal Nasional | | 89.2 FM Green Radio | | O Channel | NEO Jurnalism Club


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


do what you LOVE and do it often
if you don't like something, CHANGE it
if you don't like your job, quit!
if you don't have enough time, STOP watching TV

if you are looking for LOVE of your LIFE...
they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you LOVE.

STOP analizing, LIFE is SIMPLE
open your mind, arm anda heart to NEW THINGS and people
we are united in our differences.

some opportunities only come once, SEIZE THEM
TRAVEL often, getting LOST will help you to find yourself

when you eat, appreciate every last bite
ask the nect person you see what their passion is ...
share your inspiring DREAM with them

Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them
so GO OUT and START creating. 

LIVE YOUR DREAM and share your passion 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lebaran Getaway

As thousand island is still located in Jakarta, I went to thousand island many times with different peoples, story and also the experiences. Last week in Lebaran festive, with some friends I went there again.

I usually didn't go anywhere except my family's house for Lebaran tradition. But this time I changed my mind. I joined with my friend who arranged this trip. Thank you, Madame chikiprik ;))

Well, I broke my fins while snorkling, enjoyed the white sands beach to the bits untill the sunset came up, took pictures, laying on the beach, created some sand tunnel for snail racing. LOL..aaaand for the 1st time in my life, I haven't been riding a boat returning after dark with no lights and hitting a reef, the boat get stuck! The only light source was came from the sky as the moon and also a beautiful stars. What a romantic scene in the wrong condition. Everyone busy to find life jacket and started to pray. Ahhh but thank god one of us brought the headlamp and lend it for the boat crew to fix the problem. And finally we survived though!!! :)

The famous quote on the island by madame chikiprik : cinta itu bagaikan kentut! kalo ditahan bikin sakit perut, kalo dikeluarin bikin ribut! *will be always remember this, ha!*

Yes, confirmed 12 awesome peoples joined this trip. Including for the one who just came for last day *you know who you are guys!* 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Taman Sari - Yogyakarta

Taman Sari was a recreation garden or a resting house for the Sultan and Family. The other function is used as hiding place for royal family to defend against the enemy assault.

Taman sari is located about 2 km south of Yogyakarta Palace. Built by Portuguese architect in European aquatic construction adorned with Javanese Symbolize ornaments. Tamansari was built in the Sultan Hamengku Buwono I period in the end of XVII Century. Tamansari not only just a recreation, but it’s also a compound of bathing pool, canals, rooms and extremerly large swimming pool (if the canals opened).

Taman sari is an interesting place to visit. Besides the location is very closed to the Sultan palace, Tamansari has it owned speciality in attraction reflecting in some unimpaired ancient building and its atmosphere as the main tourist object of Yogyakarta.

There is Masjid Sokotunggal, a unique mosque with a single pillar that is different from Javanese traditional architecture. Although built in the early of XX century, the mosque gives another attraction of this area. Kampung Taman that lies in the Tamansari complex nearby known for the batik craft. Visitor can buy or watch handmade process for both batik painting and batik clothes, also puppet shadow as known as wayang. Therefore people from all over Indonesia and abroad have visited this village. All of those attractions have made Tamansari become one of main tourist object besides Yogyakarta palace.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

KERATON - The Palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta

The Beautiful Palace in Yogyakarta, It is located in the center of the city of Yogyakarta or just Yogya as the local people call it. Keraton means a place where the Ratu-king lives, other word is Kedaton, with the same meaning. In the Javanese teachings, it has a deep philosophical meaning.
The architect designer of this palace was Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.Himself, who was also the founder of the kingdom of NGAYOGYAKARTA HADININGRAT. His skill in architecture was appreciated by the dutch scientist - DR. Pigeund and DR. Adam who adored him as ” the architect of his brother-Pakubuwono II of Surakarta”.
The first king moved to his huge and magnificent Karaton on October 7, 1756. Although there are some European style of some parts of the building, structurally this is the vivid example of Javanese palace architecture.
The 14.000 sq. m of the Karaton Yogya has deep philosophical meaning with all its building, courts, carving, trees, and location. This is a Karaton full of significant symbols of human life.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Portrait  of ‘Pancasila’ seller, Mr. Rohman Santoso, 
who has been selling this for 20 years.
Yogyakarta, June 2011.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Terus Berkarya

Jangan berhenti. Bukan karena berhenti akan menghambat laju kemajuanmu. Namun sesungguhnya alam mengajarkan bahwa kamu tak kan pernah bisa berhenti. Meski berdiam diri disitu, bumi akan tetap mengajakmu mengelilingi matahari. Maka, bergeraklah, bekerjalah, berkaryalah. Bekerja bukan sekedar untuk meraih sesuatu. Bekerja memberi kebahagiaan diri. Itulah yang diharapkan oleh alam darimu.

Air yang tak bergerak lebih cepat busuk. Kunci yang tak pernah dibuka lebih mudah serat. Mesin yang tak dinyalakan lebih gampang berkarat. Hanya perkakas yang tak digunakanlah yang disimpan dalam laci berdebu. Alam telah mengajarkan ini; Jangan berhenti berkarya, atau  segera menjadi tua dan tak berguna.

Monday, May 16, 2011

the darkness

darkness is part of life, can be the source of great inspiration. have a good wallow!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Work for Tasty Food Photography

Memotret makanan ternyata tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Untuk menghasilkan foto yang baik, fotografer tidak dapat bekerja sendirian. Bukan hanya dengan menguasai teknik fotografi / lighting saja namun juga dibutuhkan kerjasama yang baik antara fotografer dengan food stylist. Karena sehandal apapun fotografer, ada detail-detail makanan tersebut yang tidak dapat dikerjakan sambil memotret. Seperti lelehan mentega atau sirup yang dituangkan diatas sebuah pancake atau tata letak makanan serta dekorasi yang sesuai dengan tema pemotretan. Bahkan diperlukan efek digital imaging setelah proses pemotretan selesai. Untuk membuat foto tersebut sesuai dengan ekspektasi klien.

Dalam hal ini, kepuasan klien merupakan target utama dari hasil pemotretan. Karena klien lah yang menentukan tujuan pemotretan dan terkadang menentukan tema. Namun bukan berarti sebagai fotografer, hanya menyerahkan segala ide dan konsep kepada klien. Karena seorang fotografer haruslah memiliki imajinasi  akan konsep dalam setiap pemotretannya.

Tantangan dalam membuat Food Photography adalah bagaimana caranya membuat foto tersebut menjadi menarik dan mengundang selera. Karena kalau tidak mengundang selera, foto tersebut bisa dianggap gagal.
Tujuan food photography adalah untuk dipakai dalam iklan, kemasan, menu restoran atau buku resep masakan.

Dalam memotret makanan, lebih baik dilakukan di studio. Menurut Mas Puji Purnama sebagai food styllist disaat pemotretan sangat disarankan untuk menggunakan tripod. Kemudian Mas Roy Genggam pun menambahkan untuk menggunakan light meter disaat pemotretan. Tripod dan light meter diperlukan agar disaat pemotretan fotografer dapat mengukur cahaya lampu studio sehingga pengaturan komposisi makanan yang dikerjakan dengan bantuan food stylist pun tidak berubah-ubah setiap pengambilan foto. Karena untuk mengatur komposisi makanan sesuai tema saja diperlukan waktu yang tidak sedikit.

Menurut Mas Roy Genggam, didalam memotret makanan tidak bergantung kepada kamera. Kamera hanya alat yg menunjang ide kita. Yang paling penting adalah konsep dikepala serta imajinasi yang dimiliki fotografer.  Dalam fotografi makanan  semua lensa bisa dipakai, tergantung kebutuhan dalam pencapaian hasil.
Satu lagi pesan dari beliau adalah didalam memilih  bidang foto yang ingin diperdalam, harus sesuai  dengan karakter masing masing. Orang yang mudah bergaul, suka berkomunikasi sebaiknya memotret jurnalistik  “people”/fashion. Yang introvert, pendiam lebih pas memotret still life, wild life.

Selama workshop berlangsung, peserta diberikan kesempatan untuk memotret 3 tema. Piknik, dessert dan bumbu masakan. Ketiga tema foto ini telah di tata sedemikian rupa oleh Mas Puji Purnama. Dan peserta hanya boleh memotret tanpa merubah posisi objek foto.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lesser Living For A Fuller Life

Own less. Create moreBuy less. Share more. Work less. Play more.
Less media gazing. More sky gazing. Less cellphone time. More reading time. Less noise. More silence.
Less impulsive shopping. More frugal consuming. Less wanting. More gratitude. Less needing. More contentment.
Explain less. Act more. Stress less. Laugh more.Think less. Feel more.
Less promises. More surprises. Less performances. More inquiries.Less concepts. More experiments.
Answer less. Question more. Comply less. Question more. Believe less. Question more.
Less known. More unknown. Less handed-down beliefs. More self-discoveries. Less fixation. More freedom.
Talk less. Listen more. Analyze less. Experience more. Judge less. Observe more.
Less concrete. More soil. Less tabloids. More trees. Less smoking sections. More fresh air.
Criticize less. Appreciate more. Object less. Understand more. Exclude less. Include more.
Less knowledgeable. More innocence. Less target. More acceptance. Less doing something. More doing nothing.
Attach less. Release more. Ignore less. Meditate more. Fear less. Breathe more.
Less addiction. More awareness. Less norms. More conscience. Less mindless. More mindfulness.

by: Dee Manifesto

Saturday, April 23, 2011

rise up

One of these mornings

You’re gonna rise, rise up singing,
You’re gonna spread your wings, child,
And take, take to the sky,
Lord, the sky.
(Janis Joplin)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Time does not always pass at the same speed. We are the ones who determine that speed. - Paulo Coelho

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saman - Dance of Thousand Hands

Saman (dance of Thousand hands) is one of the most popular dances in Indonesia. Its origin is from the Alas ethnic group from Gayo plateau central Aceh and is normally performed to celebrate important occasions.
This is a pictures of Saman (dance) performed on a  Couchsurfing “Teach, Learn and Share” day (TLSD) event at  @america, Pacific Place April 16th 2011.